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How Often Should Children Visit the Dentist?

We recommend bringing your child in when they are 1 year of age.

We work hard on making children comfortable in our office and even if the first visit is only a chair ride, we want to show that the dental office can be a fun and important place to visit. 

After the initial visit, we recommend bringing them in every 6 months, since this timeline allows us to monitor tooth development, assess and help parents or caregivers with oral care techniques and discuss nutrition and the role it plays.

Regular visits will help us intervene early if any issues are arising. We also evaluate their bone and jaw development and can discuss if any orthodontic treatment may be needed. 

Once the child is comfortable, dental visits include: 

  • Teeth polishing (prophy)

  • X-rays - depending on child’s age and number of teeth

  • Exam

  • Fluoride (we’ll paint some vitamins on their teeth)

Fluoride remineralizes teeth and mineral loss and protects enamel from acid attacks. It is an easy, preventive measure that helps to protect against cavities.

We often recommend sealants as another great preventive measure. 

Are baby (primary) teeth important?

We get questions about primary (baby) teeth and why they are so important, especially since they will “just fall out anyway.”

Primary teeth hold space for adult teeth and if lost too early, this can disrupt the eruption of the adult teeth and cause crowding or malalignment issues. They also help your child chew food, speak and swallow. 

Establishing a dental home for your child early sets them up for good oral care routines.

Plus, if a dental emergency ever arises, they will already be familiar with the dental environment.