When Will Baby Teeth Come In?
The eruption of primary (baby) teeth follows a similar timeline for most children.
Teeth begin developing during the 4th month of pregnancy.
Usually, the first baby tooth breaks through the gums between six months to one year of age.
The first primary teeth to erupt are usually the lower and then upper central incisors (very front teeth). Cleaning these with a soft cloth can help to prevent bacterial infection.
By age three, most children will have twenty primary teeth - a full set.
Primary teeth hold space for adult teeth and if lost too early, this can disrupt the eruption of the adult teeth and cause crowding or malalignment issues. Primary teeth also help with chewing, speaking and swallowing.
Images credit: American Dental Association
The first permanent (adult) teeth to erupt are usually the first molars, between 6-7 years of age. The following chart shows the typical eruption pattern.